Thursday, October 18, 2007

Perzel Pushing Empty Promises As Usual

The Maître d' now Major Domo emeritus of the House has his hair slicked back and a snappy little towel over his forearm and his shoes are a little bit more shiney than usual for the latest round of "screw the senior citizens" and the rest of Pennsylvania.
Tony Phyrillas: Empty promises on tax relief
What do Rep. John Perzel's "Older Pennsylvanian Property Tax Elimination Act" and Rep. Jay Moyer's "Senior Property Tax Freeze Bill" have in common?

Both measures are the latest attempts by elected officials to fool senior citizens (who are the most consistent voters) into giving Pennsylvania lawmakers another free pass on the property tax issue. The shell game has been going on for 30 years.

Lawmakers promise to tackle property tax reform in Harrisburg, but break
their promises to the voters as soon as they get into office. When voters start
threatening to kick out the career politicians, the legislators come up with
various schemes to address property taxes.

It's a vicious cycle that can only come to end with the passage of the School Property Tax Elimination Act of 2007 or the ouster of the majority of the current Legislature.
Unfortunately this means if Perzel is once again putting us (the little folk) at the crappyist seats in the place. How much of a secret tip should we have given him to get a decent seat? Just look at the good tables, the ones average citizens can't even hope for, and you'll see the lobbyists, gamblers, Harrisburg hotshots, Philadelphia pukes and Perzel's buddies. They get the biggest breaks and the best seats because they gave the biggest tips, but they didn't buy them, they just rented them. Perzel is smart that way.

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