Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rendell's Cure That Kills

Why elect Hillary to get socialized medicine when Big Ed wants to get it done right here at home?

Rendell's snake oil: The wrong Rx

Gov. Ed Rendell is busy hawking "Cover All Pennsylvanians," his scheme to provide everyone in the state with affordable - i.e., subsidized -- basic health coverage.

CAP, as it's known, supposedly would provide uninsured individuals and employees of small businesses with insurance from private companies for $280 or less a month.

Businesses would pay about $130 per employee. Employees would pay between $10 and $70 a month, based on income. Families of four earning under $60,000 a year would be eligible for discounts or state subsidies.

Mr. Rendell claims 800,000 Pennsylvania adults lack health insurance but that CAP can cover them all by 2012 for just $1.4 billion. But the Commonwealth Foundation says Dr. Ed is selling snake oil.

Just think what Big Ed can do for medicine after what he's done for taxes and corruption in government. For just $1.4 billion of our bucks Big Ed can hurt a lot of people. Of course then the death tax kicks in right after the sick tax kills you.

All this help is killing me.

Thanks to Tony P.

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